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    This checklist is based exclusively on the one included in British Airways Flying Manual Volume II part B, pages 07-15-03 to 07-15-11 revision 01 Nov 02


    This checklist is not, however, a "copy and paste". It has been adapted to suit the flights with Concorde-X by Flightsim Labs. The differences between the real checklist and this version are:


    • It includes the cockpit preparation steps for Captain, Flight Officer and Flight Engineer.
    • It includes some charts, graphics and a number of custom steps I find most useful for every flight.
    • The order (position) of some items has been changed to avoid repetitive panel "jumps" within Concorde-X. These changes, however, have been kept to a minimum.
    • The procedures for uncommon flights, such a 100% subsonic or short supersonic where Mach 2.0 is not reached or only for a very short period of time, are left in full as it is easy to forget their details and I find it convenient to have them in this list instead of having to open the ULTIMATE CHECKLIST and search for these particular procedures in a second document.
    • The items only applicable to G-BOAG have been omitted.
    • The checklist items are coded in four different colours as follows:

    This file is available in two formats: PDF and Microsoft Word. Please choose the one you would like to use.

    v1.0.3 - 06/November/2020


    • Added ENG FLIGHT RATING -> CRUISE check during 100% subsonic flights


    v1.0.2 - 21/August/2020


    • Some typos fixed


    v1.0.1 - 11/August/2020

    • Added Engine Recirculation Valve checks for final subsonic legs
    • TRIMS, PFDIS/Marilake Controller and BRAKES checks moved just before taxiing.
    • Colour change in Air Conditioning check during taxi checklist
    • ENGINE CONTROL SCHEDULE check repositioned in At M 0.7 CLIMB CHECKLIST to avoid a "panel jump"